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Newsletter December 4, 2020 - 1st webinar: EURADOS WG 10 and RENEB 2019 biological and physical retrospective dosimetry field test

04 December '20

EURADOS is delighted to announce its series of Webinars.

EURADOS has very active working groups, doing research, organizing intercomparisons, sending questionnaires, doing simulations and measurements campaigns, writing papers,….  As EURADOS we have always been active in education and dissemination activities, by organizing a winter school and by presenting our results at different conferences and workshops. The COVID pandemic has slowed down conferences, but has given a boost to all kind of on-line events. Hardly a day goes by without some kind of webinar, often on very interesting topics.


So we have decided to start up a series of EURADOS webinars with the aim of a better and wider dissemination of the scientific results of the EURADOS working groups. We plan to continue doing this on a regular basis, approximately once per month, even when the world is again pandemic-free and skies are again filled with airplanes bringing scientists to conferences all over the world.


So we are very happy and proud to present the first of our EURADOS webinars:

The EURADOS WG 10 and RENEB 2019

Biological and physical retrospective dosimetry field test

Thursday 17th December 2020 14:00 – 15:00 CET 

It will be presented by Working Group 10: Retrospective Dosimetry and will be organized in four short seminars:

  • Brief introduction to intercomparisons in the EURADOS WG10 (Liz Ainsbury, PHE) and RENEB (Andrzej Wojcik, Stockolm University) Networks 
  • The set up and reference dosimetry (Lovisa Waldner, Lund University) 
  • EURADOS RENEB field exercise, Lund 2019: Biological dosimetry based on dicentric chromosomes (David Endesfelder, BfS) 
  • Novel methods of biodosimetry: Gene expression to inform short term exposures (Michael Abend, BIR) 

Participation is free, but it is necessary to register at this page. Instructions to follow the webinar will be sent after registration. 



Brief introduction to intercomparisons in the EURADOS WG10 and RENEB Networks

(E.A. Ainsbury and A. Wojcik)

Between WG10 and RENEB (Running the European Network of Biological and retrospective Physical dosimetry) there has always been a close collaboration. WG10 aims to establish a network of contacts and collaborations throughout European laboratories with expertise in the area of physical and biological retrospective dosimetry. RENEB aims to provides rapid, comprehensive and standardised methodology for individualised dose estimation in case of large- scale radiological events in Europe and beyond. This webinar will describe the set up and initial results of the joint EURADOS-RENEB exercise in the form of a field test and intercomparisons of biological and physical retrospective dosimetry methods. The exercise took place in Sweden in October 2019. 


The set up and reference dosimetry

(L. Waldner)


The setup and reference dosimetry of the field test / ILC19. The radiation source and exposure geometries are described as well as the materials and assays used in the field test. The dosimetry used as references to all the materials intended for retrospective dosimetry is also discussed together with the lessons learned from this work.


EURADOS RENEB field exercise, Lund 2019: Biological dosimetry based on dicentric chromosomes

(D. Endesfelder)

As part of the field exercise organized by EURADOS and RENEB in Lund, Sweden in 2019, biological dose estimates were provided by several RENEB member laboratories based on the analysis of dicentric chromosomes. During this presentation, the results of the biological dose estimates will be compared to physical reference doses from RPL dosimeters.


Examining gene expression changes for biodosimetry purposes in peripheral blood in different laboratories after protracted radiation exposure. Third RENEB and EURADOS WG 10 gene expression study

(M. Abend)

Six teams using either qRT-PCR or microarrays for gene expression analysis provided dose estimates of four blinded blood samples exposed during the RENEB 2019 exercise. All teams generated similar results and estimated exposures around 0 Gy  which contrasted to the true dose estimates (0.18, 0.25, 1.6 and 2.4 Gy). Reasons explaining that difference will be presented and will help to frame the next exercises.


We are a network of more than 80 European institutions (Voting Members) and 560 scientists (Associate Members). We promote research and development and European cooperation in the field of the dosimetry of ionizing radiation.


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EURADOS-Newsletter [at] eurados [dot] org (EURADOS-Newsletter[at]eurados[dot]org)

Executive editor

Paola Fattibene

Istituto Superiore di Sanita', ISS

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